This is our first Pin-up ever shoot. Lindsay Borow started shooting
weddings and events with me this past summer. She has a amazing eye with
no real photography training.
Lindsay came to me with the idea to photograph her as a pin-up girl, as way to
show of her love for art and photography. We had a blast on a warm
fall day in October.
For the people who dont know what "Pin-ups" are here is a little background
They came from different eras, from 1910 until the 1960’s. They were
beautiful, alluring, and represented the “ultimate woman.” Pin-up girls
were posters that represented every man’s dream of the perfect woman!
These pin-ups graced the lockers of high school boys, calendars, and the
Americansoldiers of World War II’s bunk rooms. Far from home, the G.I.’s
treasured pin-up girl posters; they gave the soldiers something beautiful and sexy
to see instead of their all-male comrades, not to mention the misery and
graphic violence of war. Several sources cite the top three pin-up girls
as Betty Grable posing in a one-piece bathing suit, Marilyn Monroe’s
revealing skirt “blow up” from The Seven Year Itch, and Farrah Fawcett as
she appeared in TV’s “Charlie’s Angels.”